Vivamus consectetuer hendrerit lacus. Vivamus quis mi. Nulla porta dolor. 

Foreign Tax not about Foreigners

Perhaps this issue is old hat and considering the fact that much of the implementation and enforcement of China’s Social Security Law is, shall we

Support Broke Writers

Raglitmag is a webzine of short stories that you can check out on your E-reader as a pdf. They pay pretty well for a rag

Daddy bought gold o.O

“my sword crashes through your breastplate splashes the blood across your scared face drops leave a trail in the snow showing a clear trace…” I

A question of existence

I came across some interesting thoughts the least couple of days. Although I don’t write about current affairs nearly as much as I used to,

The Beijing Consensus

Let’s take a look at the countries that refused to attend the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony: Afghanistan, Algeria, Cuba, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Russia, Kazakhstan,

Google fed up with China

You can check out the full article on Google and China here at Chengdu Living. Check it out and leave a comment. PeaceS

The Weed Game

I watched the CNBC documentary on weed in Cali, Marijuana, INC. and it was a straight War on Drugs propagan(ja) piece. Trish Regan interviewd weed

Xinjiang protests continue

Here is the BBC on the protests … there is some decent video here showing a large group of Han thugs headed to the Uigher

Violence in Xinjiang

Uighers in Urumqi rioted over the past 24 hours, destroying property, killing people and fighting the police. The immediate cause for the riots was a

Two books that I urge you to read:

The first deals with IslamNo god but God, the origins, evolution and future of Islam This book (FINALLY) traces the roots of Islam back to

Crisis of Credit

An excellent project by Jonathan Jarvis of the Design School breaking down the Credit Crisis for fools like me:

Its all bad; its all good

My landlord Nikki V is doing a piece for KBOO Radio about austerity measures people (may or may not have learned from their parents/grandparents) are

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