Back in The Du

I have been wrestling with being called a racist by people who read my occasional column on — i admit that i do have some racist-ass thoughts about China and Chinese. But at the same time i love these fuckers. what can ya do.

anyway i am back in the dirty du, my home of sorts. sammy and boogie are coming into town from the farmhouse i rented out six months ago. its supposed to be my getaway from all the bullshit, a place for me to write and be a poet and such. but my ass has spent all of 30 days in the spot. and usually i am running around cleaning the bastard, dealing with peasants in a monotone … (“we need money for XXX” my reply is “Oh, Nothing.” or a grunt. I am cool enough to ignore their confused countenance.)

and i hear my two cats stony and crackhead are still living. the thieving bitches. i love em for the chaos they cause in the neighborhood. crackhead whipped a big cat’s ass while i was gone and stony has been caught in kitchens stealing fish AND .. this is awesome … in the bed of the next door neighbor girl chillin like a villain. i love it. You think i made these names up to be funny?

what else. I had all sorts of deep thoughts (who remembers jack handy?) ready when i sat down but i realize i am just tired and half-ready to go about the hustle of the Du. i have a book deal to handle tomorrow. a couple of neo-hippies smoked half of my hash so i gotta get compensation from them. i got some furniture to sell on the DL cuz if my landlord sees it he’ll go crazy and re-triple his efforts to drain me of the little cheddar i have. boogie owes rent. i have two stories to write. one about gong fu and the other about road trips with my family when i was a kid. gotta find other ways to get paid before may so i can return to the US with a pocket full of something. Lonely Planet has yet to tell me if i got the job or not. all sorts of hustles run through my mind. i was invigorated the other day when i learned that one of the hustl … i mean book deals … i pitched finally got bit upon by the local gov. so that means a couple Gz in my pocket. a little success and my hustle-mind starts spinning like mad.

anyway. love whomever reads this.

Picture of Sascha Matuszak
Sascha Matuszak

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