Flower Town
A story about a small village on the outskirts of Chengdu that faces down developers, earthquakes, and me.
Vivamus consectetuer hendrerit lacus. Vivamus quis mi. Nulla porta dolor.
A story about a small village on the outskirts of Chengdu that faces down developers, earthquakes, and me.
I have been working on a re-design for this site for some time, so that is why the site looked very strange for a few
Today I smoked a joint and walked around the Gulou area, and thought about many things. People everywhere, great clumps of pollen swirling in a
Del tha Funky Homosapien aka Zartan Dreadnought Cobra drops new ish “Iller than Most” Check it out:
I think I may have missed the chance to do so this year, because I was too busy to spend the proper amount of time
Ok now I am going to get into some hater shit. I watched an old Katt Williams special last night and he was talking about
A long long time ago, a girl told me to keep my voice. That was back in January of 2008, when I was writing this.
I have to admit, I haven’t read a single story about foreign journalists with China visa problems. I found them all to smack of the
I recently wrote a post about my Chengdu Compound, and the comments on the post, and on Reddit, reflect two things, in general: 1) Good
Got this slick new Tumblr Blog that is fun to play with and fun to post on. It’s actually much easier than this blog, because
This happened a while ago, but I have to write chronologically, or things that get lost in the ether become floating, flailing spectres and I
I have been tearing through books recently, due to my snazzy iPad Mini. I did a review a couple weeks ago, and I like that
I tend to read at random, just grabbing whatever is lying around and swallowing it whole, believing sincerely in the Tao of Reading: the Way
My boy heard me singing this at 6:30am as I prepared for work. He woke up and padded out and hung out by the door
Shame is best left chained to a wall in the basement of an old lighthouse, and occasionally sung to. Arias only. Disfigured disfiguring a weight
… was back in April to visit Chen Jia and her Taiji studio, as well as catch up with a few old friends. Here is
I’ve kept this blog since 2008 and it was and still is a source of great catharsis for me. It is not a CV and
Retired doctors, nurses, and health workers converged on Chengdu’s government offices today for the third time in a month. The first time I was able
This article here, Urban Platforms in a Policy Pressure Cooker, is just one example of Caixin Online’s excellent reporting on China’s political and economic landscape. The
Check it out here on the Chengdu Forum. Or below. Now I know where all the recycling goes down a funk street in hongpailou past the rows
I keep reading stuff in the news that reminds me of stuff I wrote a long time ago. My ego demands I put it here
Li Cheng Peng, an outspoken ex-sports journalist turned censorship-slayer and social media darling has a new book out: “全世界人民都知道:SmILENCE” (The Whole World Knows: SmILENCE) He
Nobody at my office, in the city’s government building, seems to care much about what happened to the deputy sec. of the whole Province last
About 200 pensioners are camped outside of the Chengdu municipal government office building to protest imbalances in benefits offered to private and public sector employees.
Doing research for this project brought a picture to my mind of me in a field of yellow flowers with a long butterfly net chasing
The NYT story on the Wen Family finances that came out in October, Billions in Hidden Riches for Family of Chinese Leader, is lauded by mainstream media
I made a visit to the Jianchuan Museum Cluster a few months ago and then wrote a post for Chengduliving on the museum and Fan
Every time I hear the China version of this song, Nana’s Lonely, I think of Huang Shan dancing in front of the speaker in a
Sometimes I can’t sleep at night, I toss and turn, alarm bells and laughter going off in the street. Honking cars in my dreams. I
“Obama succeeded George W. Bush, a two-term President whose misbegotten legacy, measured in the money it squandered and the misery it inflicted, has become only
It is never too late to send love out to your people. It is never too late to reply to a letter. It is never
I find myself sleeping, tweeting, taking notes. Talking to people I don’t know. Coffee and cigarettes. And carrying my son around on my shoulders so
“When you think about the worst that could happen, you should resist this temptation to make yourself the centre of the world. Turn away from
My vision of myself rarely coincides with the vision others have of me. When people think highly of me, I hear the sniveling thief gibber
the things I’ve seen in life will make you gasp in surprise like a pod of dolphins dancing in the ocean at sunrise preventing my demise a
Here in Chengdu, people have been asking me: “Hey, did you hear what they did in Hong Kong? They stood up to the government.” There
Factories will have no workers, just a few people making sure the machines are well-oiled Doctors will never touch a knife, only input the data
When I look at my sons, I feel as if the complexities of my soul have been sundered into two separate facets and placed within
Recently we’ve been treated to a few events that have brought out the reactions of Chinese netizens across the spectrum of opinion, from the reform-minded
I know a girl named Color who stopped me on the street one day and said, I am different from every other Chinese girl out
Chen Guang Cheng’s great escape from house arrest, oppression and beatings has taken an awkward twist, with the activist in the custody of the Chinese
Chen Guangcheng is an activist in China’s northern Shandong Province. He is blind and lives in the tiny rural village of Dongshigu, where he fought
If I were single and still in the Game, I would hold myself and all others to an oath of silence on the sociological phenomenon
This essay might sound a bit familiar, if you read this blog, as I seem to be circling the idea of change as a possibility.
I was struck today by John Garnaut’s profile of General Liu Yuan, embedded in an investigation into PLA corruption. What moved me and stopped me
Something is happening across China, something impossible to stop and with consequences difficult to foresee. It began with the death of Deng Xiaoping, continued with
Whenever I open Twitter to see what the people are saying, I end up feeling like the kid who showed up late to the meth
Perhaps this issue is old hat and considering the fact that much of the implementation and enforcement of China’s Social Security Law is, shall we
What we today call the Chongqing Model and the Guangdong Model are just new names for an ancient struggle. Since the first brick was laid
China-based hacks into commercial and political networks across the planet have made the news again, with the Trend Micro report on an attack called LuckyCat
I am a stranger in a strange land. I need connections or I will wither and die. And the connections I need are not just
The Bo Xilai Incident will not die a quiet death. The plodding censors in the Chinese government are stirring up the rumor pot, and no
This one goes out to E-Minor. I was defeated on the field of battle, in front of women and friends, by an Afrosamurai Warrior. Not
I didn’t have the confidence to step into the Wang-Bo scandal that has raged across the mainstream Western media (and parts of the Weibosphere) because
There are daily examples all across the world of the media mis-reporting the news and influencing public opinion. Some of them we just let go
It’s amazing how winter in most Chinese cities cancels out the sun. The skies seem to turn gray across the board, from Jiangxi to Sichuan and
Tell me how to keep the smile on my face when I start every morning hacking like an old revolutionary until lung butter splatters the
Imagine a four-headed know it all troll with a broad streak of arrogance at the helm of the Gray Pearl in the midst of the
Tom from Seeing Red in China pointed out some China Quarterly essays and one of them is the inspiration for this essay … Few of
Can it be denied that the US is actively engaging China’s border nations in an attempt to contain and control China? It seems pretty clear
Here are some recent pics of my two boys, Stinky and Plumpy. For family and friends 😉 Love, Sascha Yushi Dorian Damian
The Yining Government just released a plan of action that targets beard and burka-wearers across the municipality. The plan calls for a house-to-house search for
I often wondered if generations before us have felt this same sense of impending doom that our epoch currently feels. I don’t wonder about it
You can catch me on the Third Ring Road, zipping down the sideline on my Bad. Moduh. Scooduh. I’m on there enough to have found
I’m going to switch gears and talk about my own country for a second here. Hitting out at China is actually too easy. There are
Several years back I was in a taxi cab headed somewhere and the guy sitting in the front seat was a Fullbright Scholar here in
Liao Yiwu is a Chengdu native and he recently escaped over to Berlin via the Horse and Tea Trade Route pathways of southern China. Reading
This is a companion piece to ChengduLiving’s Portrait of a Chengdu Artist: Luo Fa Hui. Here I put together some excerpts from an interview back
Today I read Murong Xuecun’s speech given in Oslo. The things he described in his speech are clearly happening all around us and I have
It’s hard to watch a good man go down, but that is exactly what I find myself doing everyday now since Ai Wei Wei’s battle
I am deeply ashamed that I linked that NYT article. If you read it (Hi Mom!) then you noticed how the voice was decidedly not
There are basically two camps in the world “battling it out” while the rest of the masses shift and moan and watch it all go
I went to Carrefour aka Roundabout aka 家乐福 to buy a razor and shaving cream and it took me almost an hour. Carrefour is a
I spent a full year under the harsh lights of Ctrip’s corporate glare and I wrote a lot of stuff for them. It seemed like
Raglitmag is a webzine of short stories that you can check out on your E-reader as a pdf. They pay pretty well for a rag
The Little Mole is a super cute cartoon for kids up to around 2yrs of age. You can show it to older kids, but these
“my sword crashes through your breastplate splashes the blood across your scared face drops leave a trail in the snow showing a clear trace…” I
While avoiding the drudge work at Ctrip, I stumbled across the theory of neoteny in evolution. Neoteny is when infant features appear in adults ie
I came across some interesting thoughts the least couple of days. Although I don’t write about current affairs nearly as much as I used to,
So we’re on the eternal search for “the Spot” that will allow me to sip tea and write best sellers while bean makes big big
When my man Raihan heard I was having baby, he wrote me a message that went basically: “When you feel the rage and are about
I worry about my writing a lot. Its the only thing i can claim as my own and its probably my only legit ticket out
All last night i pooped out water and wandered between dream states with these lines from J-Dilla’s Jungle Love going through my head over and
Once again, i have neglected my own personal blog in favor of other “cooler” spots that either pay me or raise my exposure level up
My father in law left last night and I have a feeling it will be a very long time until we see each other again.
Two boys now, depending on me to show them the way. For at least half their lives willingly and then for another 1/4 or so
I read Shazad’s writings on Pakistan and the Taliban for years. Every single story of his informed me as to the real, on the ground
For years I avoided Hainan because as far as I had heard, it was a dirty, rude knock-off of nicer islands farther south and west
I’m headed to Sanya this weekend to write up some travel stories about the island .. the beaches and some of the luxury hotels. I’ve
Rumor has it that Tom Waits once said this to Jim Jarmusch over whiskey and pop tarts, but it could have been Ben Franklin. I
When it comes to blogging and just writing in general, its important to get your groove on. For a while there I was writing wak
Today I picked up the cash portion of my pay. here at Ctrip.com we foreigners have two different forms of payment: 1) Taxable income that
I still choke up every time I read about the kids that died in the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake. I’ll remember the pictures of a girl
I walked into the Minneapolis Institute of Arts one day way back in 1998 and saw this massive hunk of jade. It had been commissioned
but i’m surfin instead. The other day my man Charlie got the China Blues, you know, when it dawns on you that all of the
And when I was in Chengdu a few weeks a go I told my shifu Li Cuan about it and he made me pound on
Stephan Luc Larose and I have put together our latest video, 48 Hours in Shanghai. The first part is below for you to check out.
Man everywhere i look the oppression is just getting deeper and deeper — at least when I peep the news. there is China doing all
Some new ish here for everybody to check out and pass around the campfire: Travel videos for Ctrip.com … these are the first two and
I’ve been up and down this road and written a few things about it — the road that links India and Southeast Asia with southwest
Lil Dorian turned one on February 8th and we went to our old stomping gronds in San Sheng Xiang to celebrate with good friends. The
These past days I feel like I am just holding on … waiting for this miserable winter to end. Winters in China are exceptionally difficult
I made a very big mistake and assumed that I could re-new Dorian’s visa in Germany. His visa expired while we were in Germany for
Access Divine Access Divine Access Divine God is Everywhere Just have to open your eyes Look Inside You’ll be so surprised Love is Everywhere Little
This Christmas Bean Stinky and I are spending time i Heidelberg with my family. Heidelberg is a tidy, historic old city on the Neckar River
Let’s take a look at the countries that refused to attend the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony: Afghanistan, Algeria, Cuba, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Russia, Kazakhstan,
I want a show of hands: How many people have kept doing it after the condom broke? How many people out there believe that Julian
Man I found myself teary eyed listening to the Ya Jian Bang sing about Sichuan food. I was thinking about what it would feel like
I can only remember a few, but my mind swims with them in the hours before i rise and after the alarm has already been
I’ve been up and down the “horse and tea trade route” a few times. basically the road from Chengdu south to Bangkok, as far as
I have been working for ChinaTravel.net for a couple months now and I am beginning to develop a sense of loyalty to the place. I
This is a track i tend to listen to from time to time that is Stinky-related. Corny?
Me and Stinkumz got birthdays today. I turn 33 he turns 9 months. I was just telling my pops how he says DaDa now about
I have tried to write about this a few times from a few different angles … here is a story on the Rock Music scene
I wrote another small essay about raising children in China, specifically about mixed-blood babies and how they are treated here and what they can expect.
Here is a post for ChinaTravel.net about a group of (actually an individual named Joe) filmmakers who are doing some interesting work with time-lapse and
The conflict between the Chinese and Japanese is getting heated. First Chinese “fishing boats” enter “disputed territory” and snoop around.. Japan sends in destroyers to
I remember Portland sometimes and kick myself in the balls for not experiencing more of that town. But hey, grass is always greener right? I
I got a new story up, a lil something about a big boss I met back in the day called: Boss Sung’s Wife. I met
I been listening to Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings for some time now and if you don’t know, you better axe somebody. Or click
Bean made homemade hotpot two days ago and the last of it just got slurped up … I won’t tell you what’s happening now in
If you have not noticed, I have a few Fiction tales up. I won’t be posting a bunch of tales there, just a couple to
No No No No! I try not to get sucked into these discussions anymore, but part of my daily routine is to open sites like
Here is a post I wrote about the Big Bus Tour in Shanghai. The interview kinda goes into the exciting way things can get done
Last night I spent about an hour putting together a baby bed for Dorian. It was a pretty shoddy little bed and a very shoddy
This has popped up three times in the past 5 days, so I have to drop it. I watched this speech here by Jane McGonigal
I went on a little Man on the Street interview stroll yesterday, asking people what they had planned for the October Holiday. I pretty much
One my oldest brain patnas in the world, Tshisuaka aka aka aka has got some ish going on at CitizenMinneapolis.com This brother is a poet
Hi Everybody, welcome to my new site. Its a little stark compared to my fluffy old Chachin Aint Easy, but hey. things change don’t they.
The love I made this afternoon is thanks to the following:
Sascha ain’t got no game. Today is a beautiful day. the tree in my backyard is drooping leaves down into my face and the sun
In this NYT story, the benfit of mushrooms is being researched by scientists and medical practitioners, one of which called it, “existential medicine.”
You know my family always used to make fun of my dad cuz he had like one or two homies. and even those guys he
Last night for the first time that I can remember, someone asked me what I was dreaming about in my dream. I was so taken
Today has been a good day. above is a pic of lil man and his brother — the other boy was born in the same
I have absolutely no time to write anything. Little Man turned one month today and here is what’s been happenin: He empties breasts like they
Dorian turns two weeks in a little less than an hour. The following is an altered message I wrote to a friend and is the
安 means peace and is represented by a woman under a roof. I always figured this character was a bit patriarchal … but now that
Has just opened up a shop selling his CDs (compilations of music he digs) and art. He takes pictures and uses software to make his
I don’t even know where to start laughing and where to end. It doesn’t matter. For years and years people like me (but with better
my job is to pull you back from the brink of darknessprotect you from the prince of shadowsshow you the flower in all seasonskeep you
I find myself asking this question after reading stories like this one by the late Michael Kreca. This information is not new to me —
Here is a little list of cool spots in Chengdu. This is actually a VERY incomplete list, but its a good start. holla.
I’ve been using a lot of pig fat in my cooking recently. Yushi’s dad dropped by and left two big bowls of lard, a pile
here is a short essay on Haiti and Chengdu and some of the similarities and differences in the disasters that struck here and there.
Makes me real nervous to see pics like this. I know that pollution is everywhere, but seeing it up close and personal like these pictures
“And I wish that I were not any partof the fifth generationof men, but had died before it cameor had been born afterward.For here now
After Google announced that it might leave China, Wall Street and other stock exchanges around the world reacted in typical fashion, by buying Baidu stock
The army drums cut off human travel,A lone goose sounds on the borderland in autumn.Tonight we start the season of White Dew,The moon is just
Everything the Chinese government has blocked is now available via Google, including pictures of Tiananmen, articles on Free Tibet and the Dalai Lama and everything
You can check out the full article on Google and China here at Chengdu Living. Check it out and leave a comment. PeaceS
Avatar the movie opened up in China on January 4th, 2010. Lines stretched for blocks outside of most every theater in the nation for the
Contract signed. The crib is real nice, we is happy. I wish I could show you pics, but i have to wait till those greasy
Spent all day yesterday cooking up various meals and eating them on the spot. I’ve been brewing the soup for two days (into the third)
As you can see, I have changed a few colors on the blog. let me know what you think. I have been writing for Antiwar.com
Almost a year ago today, I posted a link to China’s Charter 08 and mused about a possible “transition” led by China to a more
So I am reading Daniel Boorstin, The Seekers, which is the third in a series that begins with The Creators and continues with The Discoverers.
Whatchyallknowbout Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings? Just finished Natural Born Lover and moving on to Stranded in yo’ Love And this album makes me
I wrote an essay a while back about censorship in China, for Antiwar.com, and I basically said that within the parameters of black and white,
back in Shanghai, listening to Christmas music. i had a small panic attack in the vancouver airport as i watched asian people be asian and
I like to categorize my friends, even if those categories only last till the end of my breath and the beginning of an action on
Bout to watch the Return of the King. Again. And the only reason I want to do it now is to get the full account
In this story right here, I find a very familiar young man: went to evergreen and became slightly radicalized. got a girlfriend and did what
i have been many things in my life, some good, some bad and some ugly. i have seen my brothers be those as well. what
In the Sanctuary in Oakland with my main men Big Scott and Johnny Frizzle. Today we tore the house up to try and find my
Headed back Here And just to make it even more lovely, i read more about Chinese products ONCE AGAIN making consumers sick and otherwise doing
Zhang Yushi — Yu means rain, Shi mean poem or poetry or poet … depending. i met her for the first time back in the
What Providence, What Divine Intelligence … so i am leaving the Wagon today and headed to a different brighter spot up the road a bit.
the ABC’s of photography and peep the Yosemite B&W’s here ….
Chirp Out is the day of freedom and joy for my Tribe. Its the day when we hit the road again after a season of
in darkness and in light even as alli said in the last post is true, so is the sweetness of the old lady and the
I have a day off today so i am in a cafe catching up on things and trying to get into contact with people. somehow
chillin with my patna 10z taking care of a money crop bumping Nas’s new album, which if you haven’t heard is another classic. check it
Here is that story — a little truncated and bland, but hey, its a paycheck.
I watched the CNBC documentary on weed in Cali, Marijuana, INC. and it was a straight War on Drugs propagan(ja) piece. Trish Regan interviewd weed
My sister is in Paris alone … hoping that my old friend will visit and show her around, listen to her and give her a
I went to kauai with my man Q in January and it was one of the highlights of 2009. A great way to begin the
after all that lonely lashing out ended, i dreamt of a castle i was in, under attack from buffoons shooting dynamite into the air. it
A brown hen named Gary gives a flapping sqawk and makes a dash for the cherry tree in my backyard. Her two speckled girlfriends shoot
The past two nights i have been drinking Yellow Tail Shiraz with my old high school buddy Maximillian. He was one of my first and
i am better in group situations, then one on one cuz in one on one I am too eager to revealI like to pass around
So for the past few weeks I have been working in the shack at the famous Thai spot called Pok Pok in Portland, on 32nd
and even though the morning afternoon and evening held sunshine sweet sunshineoh lord the nights were demons in my bellyand i walked on creaky wooden
A lil sumpin sumpin here from another blog i post on: Obama’s sayz: Get your poo together!
That just kind of came to me earlier today while reading this story here about Somalis in Minneapolis becoming “radicalized” and then heading back to
Dr. Russell Leigh, that is. My old Professor at the U of M was on CNN last year during the Olympics and now he has
Ever notice how the convolution of simple tasks is at the core of many a dream? Repeating myself.
Here is the BBC on the protests … there is some decent video here showing a large group of Han thugs headed to the Uigher
Uighers in Urumqi rioted over the past 24 hours, destroying property, killing people and fighting the police. The immediate cause for the riots was a
Drinking my favorite Honey Dew tea in the dungeon thinking about home births and bike rides. yesterday i biked aimlessly and ended up near Powell
Read this and tell me what ya think about US soldiers and President “I’ma bring ’em home ya’ll” Obama.
Last Sunday I invited a group of friends over to Paul Rosenberg’s tea temple for a tasting. Paul runs Sacred Teas, a service for those
Yesterday i was talking with a geology student and she said her last big paper was about an asteroid that is scheduled to hit the
I need to record this fool, kinda like my Native-Black-Polack-Commie homeboy Charlie. Last night Sammy came back from the mini mart and said: “dude, mini-marts
thats what my boy grant said to me a long time ago while we were in his dj dungeon listening to a little known dj
My sensesjostle for pole position in my brainvarious species of dewbrimstone, lilacs and porcelaini look up at a sunny Portland skyand it smells like raini
The first deals with IslamNo god but God, the origins, evolution and future of Islam This book (FINALLY) traces the roots of Islam back to
is almost perfect. its not too hot and when it does get hot the rains come politely like butlers in the morning to dress up
So when yer friend is wallowing in the dark night of his/her soul, at 2am, hating him/herself, wondering if there is any meaning whatsoever, then
My Persian homie Amir took me and Said to Ali Baba’s spot in Shanghai. Ali Baba is a true Perisan Pimp and he got us
I took a trip last month while i was in china to my main homegirl’s tea spot. here are some pics: From Left to Right:
So i will begin with an introduction: hi, this has been inaccessible for me for some time, but now i have hotpost shield so its
I went to Mengding Mountain yesterday and took a LONG trek to find my Honey Dew Green supplier Bai Ting Ting (Xiao Bai) just so
Fortuitous fortuitous this is the word of the day. I spent the last two days meeting my old tea suppliers Bai Ting Ting who provides
MM-MM something about the Du makes me feel all homey. its easy as pie out here. the sky looks like dishwater and i aint seen
My man told me earlier i the week that he would never marry a Chinese girl, even though he has been here for several years
I miss the quiet of my dungeon and the wind through Oregon’s trees. Its sunny here and i am about to be in the Du
Shanghai is a sea of skyscrapers as far as my eye can see. There are pockets of two-story blocks of old school homes with laundry
I wish i had a better keyboard cuz there is something i need to work out and for me keyboards are … key. I notice
Thanks to all my peeps who commented on that digital vagabond proposal. Here is a piece I wrote about the Mexican War on Drugs about
So let me try and explain whats going on here: My main woman Nicole went through several years of servitude and now, finally, the work
You know i don’t ask much of you all, but i need anyone who peeps this blog to go here: Chachie’s Proposal! read my proposal
Nicole be twitterin with Questlove these days cuz he is in P-town freezin his ass off … i mean it aint that cold up here
is hard to locate not because the clouds are there, but because they’re absent. I haven’t seen a sky like this one in I don’t
Motherhood. Its motherhood ya’ll. Before being a mother, girls trip on the intense biological forces that take over all thought and emotion and drive girls
I wrote about China for Antiwar.com for about 8 years. If you check the columns out, you’ll see I wrote in spurts. There was often
Sigh. How many times do we read something like this over coffee/tea in the mornring, imagine charging or throwing a stone at a rich man’s
I am working on this chapter right now and i am finding it quite difficult. i want to convey the deep desire of the pirates
funny funny, i talk about the beatnuts, pop open Itunes and my song’s on. howz that yo?its hard for you to swallawhatcha gonna do? you
so yo, I have been dwelling daily on a tea business. I started out thinking that I was going to get a van, pimp it
this is what i’m reading and i am thankful for a bucket of blessed mobility. because this is why i aint been writing on here
When o when will the weather cease to drive me down into my dungeon? Its hailing outside right now. And its got that dank and
because I’m just so in love with it. I beatbox walkin down the block a lot and sing in easy soul rhymes. My gait loses
My man Riz. I remember when his goofy big toothed ass showed up in Chengdu and immediately girls were following him around like he was
I play World of Warcraft. But since i understand that massive multi player role playing games can be detrimental to your health, i try and
I was tipped off to this article this morning by meeks shuckafunka and about four paragraphs down is the word “eidolon.” I wrote a story
Because now they want you to believe they never existed. The WSJ talks about it and here in the Washington Sketch is a funny little
Today’s NYT has a story about the Beijing Silk Market and the struggles between big names brands and the pirates that knock-em off and slang
Losar is underway and the NYT and Atimes marked the Tibetan New Year with stories about the seething people of Tibet, pinned down by the
So i watched and listened to President Obama’s speech last night here on NYT and when he mentioned Ty’Sheoma Bethea I got all teary. I
Here is a story i wrote about Dai Shi Men gong fu school for the South China Morning Post. I can’t link the story because
I got all dressed up for a meeting downtown. walked in the drizzle two blocks to the mini mart and ran across 82nd in front
An excellent project by Jonathan Jarvis of the Design School breaking down the Credit Crisis for fools like me:
so its bout time to go and i had a good time in the Twins. I saw several old school homies like Tshisuaka and Jake
My brother was sworn in yesterday and is now considered by the Supreme Court of Minnesota to be legit. Bonafide. Hey … here are some
I realized something very profound this morning and i am going to try and explain as best i can. it began when i thought about
So after a few days in the Twins aka Manyasspolice aka Mipples aka Minneapolis … I have the following to say: 1) It aint even
Does anyone find it strange that all the Jedi never considered their own purge as the means with which the force would achieve balance? i
Those who do not use the hours before dawn are fools. i woke up dreaming of a fine fine situation, then flipped on the computer
Gimpy got his first taste of pussy last week. I can imagine the look on his face, that shocked yet determined screwed up expression. A
So i have to admit. Last night i put 15 pages down, but when i was done i logged in to World of Warcraft and
So i been working on this epic novel and such and as the days go on the story gets more fun to mess with. I
The downturn just hit my household. The main breadwinner int he house stands to lose her job come April. Her bosses are pretty unimaginative when
Yesterday was MLK’s birthday. me and nicole and ashley and deb marched from Sister’s of the Road to St. Mary’s Academy with a few hundred
Matador is jumping off the chains and the hook and the fence and cliffs and all that. here are some stories posted recently, check em
I got back two days ago from a trip to Kauai with my man Q the Happy Buddha. We camped all over the island and
“China, as a major nation of the world, as one of five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, and as a member of
right after that last post, i went through all the times i felt i was betrayed or hurt or wronged by my best friends and
when empathy ruled and misunderstanding had not yet been conceived. Isn’t it amazing how women and men revolve around each other like lightning struck ions
this is my brother Mike Jones. this is how he do. bend knee and pay tribute.
Here are some stories coming out of Matador.com … They are doing a great job with their articles and site and I am on board
I sent a mass email out the other day to get people to sign a petition to have 1 million given to every citizen in
Does anyone remember the Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute campaign and the Crying Indian as kids? How we were taught to throw stuff away. I
YO: Read this Wikipedia entry about the “Emergency Economic Stabilization Act” then go here and read through this article about where the cheddar is going
I just had a dream of China in 2028 and it was a beautiful vision. I thought of a metaphor: an old man who has
This sentence here at the end of the NYT story about the failure of the auto industry bailout is probably one of the most important
Last night I was minding my own business at my man Q’s house in the Pearl District when I get drunk-dialed by Sammy’s ass. He
Strippers wanna be watched, stared at, lusted over and dreamt about. Strippers watch themselves in the mirror and wish they could throw some ones at
The only good thing to come out of Lucas’ last three stabs at glory is the phrase Phantom Menace, used to describe a diversion that
Hey Ya’ll here is a story I wrote for Matador.com about the privatization of the prison system in the US. It is filled with links
I left the Council of the Monkey in Pai and headed north through Laos to China. The other council members headed south to bangkok for
I had a very fine Thanksgiving Holiday with my family in SoCal (southern California) and it is about to end in a few hours. I
Chillin in El Lay and I must say the women here are so fly and so cute and wearing clothes that i got to get
Julia Zimmermann came to Chengdu and stayed with me for several days chronicling the earthquake there for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung — my favorite German-language
Here are a couple stories I have been writing for Matador.com: This is my list of cities for singles and here is the “companion piece”
Chillin with my main menwe found some new friendsa million voices to heara million lips to reada million eyes to look into me and my
I hereby claim “Pirates with no Boat” as my intellectual property. It does not matter if you read this post or not, the title now
and me and sammy have just taken our sweet time dealing with a heaping plate of biscuits and gravy at this spot down the road
Here are some pics and a video from the last week. We had a Halloween Party and went to watch the Bills get beaten by
So my wounded brother is home in Minneapolis now and my living room has never smelled better. Love the kid, but when he spends a
Now that Obama has won, the focus shifts to expectations for dramatic change and improvement across the board and the historic importance of the first
finally. we have a leader we can be proud of and a country we can believe in. It is now time to get up in
Digital Silk Road From: plus8star, 1 week ago Digital Silk Road View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: japan korea) Presentation done at OpenWebAsia
You are Progress. Speaking of progressive, i remember when Obama first started moving toward the center, i said he was a coward and a sellout
Last Christmas I went to visit my parents in Germany and I told them then that Obama would win the White House. My Dad said
Yep. The Republicans are trying to win some seats in the Senate by saying: A one Party majority can’t be good for the country. They’re
So here is a lil blurb about the music scene in China and below is my man Himmler’s response: the article is pretty accurate. one
A while back I was sitting in my friend Zhuang Jian’s villa outside of Chengdu, drinking some rare pu’er, smoking herb and chatting with a
My man Himmler and me have this ongoing discussion about Macs and Pcs and which computer is doper. Now the arguments are getting a bit
its transition time and i am getting my room painted, my workshop set up and my routine established. dreams of off the grid cribs become
I listened to McCain very closely this debate, just as I listened to Sarah Palin very closely during the celebrated VP debate. I did this
In Portland, cars will stop on a busy street and let pedestrians cross. Even with a whole line of cars behind them. The pedestrian then
I heard this a lot when i was in China (and sometimes here as well) and i always wanted to put across my response: Thank
This story is getting passed around the elderly, all-white, businesspeople circle that i have a toe in. I think they may be smug about the
Obama dropped it during the debate and this story in the Rolling Stone lays it all out … pass it on. Update: Jesus. I know
I trust myself now more than ever. I thought to myself the death of Wall Street could only be a boon for me and mine.
Here is a interesting story about China’s One Child Policy … Update: This link actually goes to the column of the day for the Jakarta
My homie Himmler from the 19th Step sent me this long article in Der Spiegel. Its in English. Most people i know will be nodding
I went to watch the Vp debate at Nicole’s friend’s house. A lot of very liberal women were there and we basically laughed a lot
Imagine you are at a Texas Hold-Em table and a very rich banker steps up with a collection of cash from all corners of his
My landlord Nikki V is doing a piece for KBOO Radio about austerity measures people (may or may not have learned from their parents/grandparents) are
On the night of the Fall Equinox, in the hills of northern California, beneath an ancient oak tree, surrounded by leaves, herbs and Tribe: I
Get yourself a Mission Burrito. Have an Izze soda — my favorite is Sparkling Blueberry. Head to ChaChaCha and drink some Sangria. Put on a
The first thing i noticed was the sun. i got off the plane, gathered my stuff and waited for Sammy B to roll through and
I was in Hong Kong during the WTO Ministerial in 2005 — here is part one of a four part series I wrote while i
A Muslim pilgrim near Hotan This post here (with accompanying IHT article) tells of the latest heavy-handed policies used by the Chinese government to
Political ads … why am i headed back to the US again? the McCain girls are great for a morning pick-me-up …
Although we may already know that Bush’s policies on pretty much everything have been resounding failures, this in depth analysis of the incompetence and duplicity
I have been talkin about getting portland and china together for a long time on this blog, and look what Mayor Adams is up to
Here is Eli and my main man Kaffe doin their thang on NPR. Peep it and pass it on. Its the real deal ya’ll!!!!
Yo: I urge you all to check out this video by the Hanyuan B-Boys … they put it down for their town and have all
This will be my last post with Olympic connotations. The Western AND Chinese media are starting to evaluate for themselves what the meaning of this
So I am back in the Du and it feels all right. As soon as I get here and start meshing with my real people
“… this election has never been about me. Its about you.” Read it and tell me Who’s the Man.
I am in Qingdao now, chillin with my man Li Du and a large group of artists and musicians for the “Twin City Art Show”
Now that I have finished my stint in a semi-corporate setting in a security company, i can let you know a little bit about how
So the Games are over and the Western media is tapping into the fear the American nation has for China’s rise. Its all smoke and
I will have a few pics here … i lost my camera and never really bought a new one. I know thats the main thing
Today was quite a day. I watched Cuba whup up on the US in the baseball semifinal and then headed to a spa to wash
The last two days have been pretty fun, but i have not been able to watch anything. The women’s beach volleyball, men’s volleyball, water polo,
I was thinking about young Chinese this morning. Last night i was chillin with Li Du, Zachary Mexico and Liang Kegang in a KTV establishment.
I know China is being held up as the petri dish for this discussion, but i urge all peeps to check their surroundings and see
or just post some love on yer blog and send it through the underground. i remember telling some young Chinese friends about the Tank Man
Liu Xiang is injured and will not compete. He has been injured since at least May, when he had his last competition. In China, an
Its becoming somewhat of a blur for me these days, i had to ask if today was Day 12 or what. I am writing on
I bet this dude puffs mad herb. Now, if we find out that he does, will he be stripped for doping? “Once you reach the
The last few days I have been running on fumes a bit. And for those of you who have done that, it means alternating between
This didnt even make the rumor rounds in China until today … doesnt seem to bother anyone that much yet … i think people here
The second week is just around the corner and I felt the lull today. Indeed, the preliminaries and qualifying rounds are almost over. The Chinese
What a difference a day makes. Today I went and watched the China-Spain B-Ball game and it was off the chains. The big difference between
Welcome to China ya’ll. Today started off fine, I woke up and went and did some gong fu with my man Shifu Li Chuan cuz
Today I saw a one armed Cockney Englishman marching through the crowds around the water cube trying to sell swimming tix for 2000k US. The
Yeah its always the same wherever I go. i become Red from the Shawshank Redemption. I am now in the ticket business and it is
Today has been a very weird day so far. Last night I drank late late into the night with some security guys — old warhorses
I think i really dropped it on this one … peep it and holla back! (Do i need to translate any American slang for you
Anyone who has written or who reads about China issues has encountered the ChiCom Troll. I didn’t realize there was such a distinct term for
My man Chengduxi, who put up my Auryn tattoo back in the day — had to get it recolored by Poh in Pai, but so
It is a beautiful morning here in Beijing. The sun is blinding white, reminding me of a graveyard shift I pulled in Alaska once. We
Its not hard to imagine how China manages to get away with being one of the more brazenly oppressive nations to hold the Olympics in
The fools of the world who believed Chairman Rogge and the Chinese BOCOG are to blame for their foolishness. There are several stories out there:
Indeed, I wrote a lot about how perfect my “Leaving” is, as it comes almost to the day when i arrived 8 years ago. I
Will the damn Games just start already … All day I got BBC hollerin about censorship, human rights and nationalism in one ear and CCTV
That the Chinese are ready to do this. Just Imagine: Your dad grew up smilin if he got some pork in his rice bowl.Your granddad
In this small blurb about a photo that made it into a tabloid about the Tiananmen protests in 1989, we see another example of the
I am amazed at how rumors fly around this country. its a thing of beauty to watch a story go from one part of the
Oh, about 5-6 years ago i saw my first pile of cordyceps in Kangding, Tagong and throughout the Kham area of western Sichuan. Tibetans were
He is just hammering away, hammering away at the alternative, renewable energy grid that would bring the US out of its doldrums. No mercy. I
Yeah I been criticizing Obama a lot here, I guess its cuz I was so excited and inspired by his nomination run and then to
Played cards with the boys last night and it was good “craic.” I think that’s how you spell the Irish version — the lone Irishman
Last night was great fun. I met up with Zachary Mexico and Li Du of Kunming Paper Tiger fame. I took along a couple of
There is a situation going on right now at east gate in Beijing. About 100 people and are in the area. The issues is with
china gives peeps designated “arrest me” zones to do their thing. “Chinese people know better than to go demonstrate in a {issue} zone during the
Things is hectic in this piece … for real. after the K’ming bombings the government made a few changes to security that are putting a
I was in Chengdu for the past two days taking care of some business and I went to check out my old home in Three
Friedmann has been hammering away at this issue for the past few weeks. I think the nation is ready for a Kennedy-style mission to develop
Reports came in this morning that at least two bombs destroyed two buses in Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province. Although unconfirmed, the word is that
In case you do some shady shit and get caught, holler at my brother, the lawyer Tim Matuszak, he’ll take care of you.
My man Mike the B. and some info on the Freddie Mac thing, which i said was sinister a few days ago …
Here is a story that is pretty interesting, in that it shows the polarized views of this country that people have. I am sure that
Check out my no-fun dork shoes: China’s “top-down” approach to security in the Olympics guarantees that there will be very little mirthful exchanges between the
I am finally in Beijing. After several months of talking about it and changes to the plan on a weekly basis, I am now officially
This was posted as a comment, I am re-posting it so everyone can take a look.
We had a cat when i was five years old that was called Aintwortha Shit. We just called him by his first name. My earliest
In today’s NYT, the “demise” of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae is treated with the soft gloves of supposed objectivity. The article begins by saying
Engdahl drops some more knowledge … check out his site i have it listed under digable (to the right and down)
Every week or so i find a new web tool for this blog. I am trying out the “share me” button, even though I myself
My good friend and patna Fraggle Beanmilk has just been hired by a large daily newspaper here in the Du. They signed ol’ Beanmilk to
It is so hot and humid in Chengdu right now that my brain is bathing in its own liquid, humming strange tunes to itself and
Sigh. The truth the world has refused to confront always comes out in the end, be it war for oil, Bush is a fool, we
Here are some pics by photographer Andreas Mueller of the village i live in and some of my neighbors:
Today is Independence Day, and I suppose it is a good a chance as any to re-hash all of the things that i feel and
Francesco Cisci is the Asia editor for La Stampa and a frequent contributor to Asia Times. Here is an essay of his that does a
I have gotten a glimpse of the historical record of the Hakka that settled in Three Gods Village where I live. They arrived in Sichuan
Hey. I am doing research on the Hakka people in Sichuan. The Hakka are sometimes referred to as the “Jews of China.” They reportedly originated
how silly we humans be. Sports are and have been one of the ultimate political experiences for societies since the dawn of the ball. A
This here is an interesting article on Obama, if only for the defense of his rejection of public financing. Dowd here says that going after
The visa situation in China is getting more and more frustrating for foreigners trying to do anything here. How to extend or wiggle one’s way
My MAN Rindy dropped it on this piece right here. I urge everybody to read it and pass it around. Send it to Obama’s braintrust.
Well i’ll be damned. After all this time, China has decided(?) to let blogger do its thing. So i am visible in China. This is
ya’ll don’t even know. I went to Hanyuan the other day and just got back in the Du. I was planning on staying a month
So the meeting between the local government officials of Three God’s Village and the villagers took place today at 10am. The meeting was held in
“Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen it …” I always loved that line. So much power and confidence. A calm declaration laced with pride.
Today i sloshed through the rain to Du Fu’s Cottage in Chengdu to attend a meeting of poets and lyricists. About a dozen read their
I met a woman a few months back in the city of Yaan, renowned for rain, fish and beauties. She’s a young music teacher at
I can’t read my blog right now, but that might end. It has been a common occurrence since I started this thing. Sometimes my proxy
“Young Fool, only now, at the end, do you understand …” Yesterday I arrived back home from Dujiangyan and there was a small crowd of
The Min flows down from the Tibetan Plateau, through Dujiangyan where a 2000 year old irrigation project splits the river into two parts: one headed
So i will try and put a few good Sichuan Hua phrases up here from time to time … such as this fine one right
For the past week I have been a scab for USAToday. I haven’t actually written anything for them, but just in case the Tangjiashan quake
Well. It seems as if Hillary has finally decided to do the right thing and get behind the one candidate 100%. Of course its late
this here is one of the best articles about war i have seen in recent times, written by a contemporary … I imagine the book
The Chinese government has decided to clamp down on the schoolchildren issue to ensure social harmony and stability. All protests are dealt with by black-clad
here are some pics that are circling the chinese blogosphere. The police and government officials in China haven’t changed one iota. They are doing their
i just got back from Beichuan a few minutes ago. Beichuan was near the epicenter of the earthquake, so most of the villages in that
Obama is finally the nominee. In this story here, i think the reasons why are clearly stated. He’s one of us. Unfortunately, “us” might not
Today i rolled through Dujiangyan and took a look at the field hospital set up by the German and Sichuan Red Cross. The field hospital
today … bout three minutes ago, a large aftershock shook chengdu. the largest in a long time, maybe since the original quake. and it lasted
kitties peep dude in the background. it was a good day. for badass motorcycle love, hit up Carl
We went to Luo Shui today, about 20 of us in several cars and trucks loaded with toys, paints, candy and other goodies for the
I can’t comment back because blogger is blocked in China … it isn’t funny, what happened to Falun Gong followers in China. The brainwashing campaign
Tomorrow is kids day in China so a group of us are headed north to Shifang to play drums and be funny guys for the
I was brought into a new community recently, Matador Travel Community and i must say i really dig it. i usually hate forums and communities
This is my house — the farm. About 10km southeast of Chengdu in Three Gods Flower Village, where farmers grow roses and tulips and offer
Wass happenin ya’ll? Its been an easy few days recently. My cats are in heat again so the dirty toms are serenading us all from
I posted some pics here of Qing Cheng after the quake. If anyone has any information or people they would like me to contact, please
Yesterday Chengdu went crazy as every man, woman and child rushed to the streets to throw up tents (again) or jump in cars to head
Patriotism at the expense of another nation is as wicked as racism at the expense of another race…Let us resolve to be patriots always, nationalists
Tomorrow is chill out time with my kitties. Ima ride my bike around and beat Tenzin in chess. mad love
A Poem by an anonymous Chinese circling the web(translated): Children quickquickHold fast to Mother’s handThe Road to HeavenIs so darkMom is afraidyou’ll hit your headQuickHold
First off: Blogger is blocked in China, so people cannot see it here, I cannot comment back to any of you and i do use
Yesterday i climbed as far as it is possible to climb right and Qing Cheng mtn is def. devastated near the top. Past the Tai
President Hu Jintao made it to Dujiangyan today and shook hands with Prime Minister Wen Jiabao… Today I took a ride with a civil engineer
Tomorrow we will try and head up to see if we can help. THe local authorities and Red Cross have designated the Bookworm and Cafe
Well Chengdu is basically back to normal. My friend Charlie’s harrowing experience is all over the web now — here is the AP story, which
Well the tremors have picked up now and rumors are rife about another large earthquake. But rumors have been flying all day about no water,
Here is a story I wrote that didn’t find space … its a time-pegged story which means I can probably not publish it anywhere else.
Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao’s speech is looped on TV and radio and seems to have an effect. One line that inspired was: “Even if
I want to first reply to those who have commented about Qing Cheng Mountain: If anyone has ever been there you may remember the very
On the day of the earthquake in Sichuan Province, Charlie, Ramone and John met at the Shamrock Bar and Grill in Chengdu at 7am and
My friend Rachel wrote the day before the quake: “I feel like the world is shifting” if ya’ll check the first few lines of my
There is a tremor going on as i write — has been shaking my building for the past three minutes. still shaking. had tremors all
Well now that i feel i have done my part cross-referencing links and straining at Chinese characters its time to write lil something for my
Thousands dead and injured in Beichuan county — the TV is not reporting any of this, getting it off of Xinhua news. All media is
The schools are taking a hit across the northern part of Sichuan. Deyang is 45 minutes NE of Chengdu, Dujiangyan is 45minutes NW .. PArty
The tv news just reported 107 deaths and 648 injuries. They also say that gas is tough to come by — some people have been
Rumors are spreading fast throughout the city that there will be another large earthquake this evening at 830pm … this has not been confirmed by
The death toll is rising — so far it is up to 107 and the schoolchildren in Dujiangyan are not completely accounted for. The countryside
Dujiangyan has been hit with tragedy. 900 schoolchildren are believed to be buried under their schoolhouse when it collapsed. DJY is 56km north of chengdu,
we just experienced another tremor at 710pm. the locals are trying to drive out of the city, but most of the roads out are jammed-packed
for those confused about the time of my posts, i had it on pacific time.
i was in the middle of a shave when an earthquake hit and the whole neighborhood spilled out onto the street. here is a pic
here are some pics of my kitties. there are three surviving kitties and the two sisters take turns licking and caressing the lil kitty-cats. i
which is a lie. I actually do roll the dice often and play cards most every week. But i still dont believe in chance. This
this is about Migrant Workers jumping from buildings to protest corrupt ass developers who refuse to pay salaries. its a spoof in Sichuan Dialect.
does anyone out there work with alternative fuels/renewable energy on a large scale — research, investment, development, promotion over breakfast at the sunny side up
China is really making it hard for the foreigners these days. All visas are a big pain in the ass — my main man in
A great many strange things have happened in the past few days … perhaps not as many as may be transmitted by the feeling that
Its time to concede Hillary. I like to believe that the universe works according to my whim. My decision to stay here in China until
I have tried to emphasize the need for us to turn back to home and see what we can do there instead of sticking our
In China, indoctrination of the youth begins very early. At age 6, young kids are given their first Chinese Reader to learn the vast collection
here is a column i wrote for Antiwar.com that will not get published: On Friday the torch arrives in Hong Kong. Demonstrators from around the
First off … looks like the fervor might be dying down. we shall see. Does anyone else see the parallels between the Games and the
Politicians truly are amazing. In China it is fitting that the government spokesperson is a woman, Jiang Yu. In Chinese (and every other) society it
just got off the horn with a one of my tribe’s elders (hahaha) and it feels damn good. crazy shit is in the mix …
this ones for you, courtesy of one of your finest.
sites that have been blocked since i have lived here, wikipedia and bbc, are now accessible to the average wang and yours truly.
I convince myself I am Turkish by wolfing down doener kebabs and smoking shisha. I have spent the past few days running every day and
I know some of these pics are sideways .. i apologize but there is nothing i can do about it. these kids are worried about
Today has been another magnificent day in Chengdu. I am sitting in the Bookworm, a fine place to ease back and read/write be smart with
be they American from Pennsyltucky or Chinese from Hunan, they make life difficult. Because their lives are difficult. Cracker ass crackers. I am working on
so the inevitable has happened. i was talking with some friends (chinese) aboutthe possibility of a cultural revolution style environment here in china and we
my people are busy lamenting, yet also enjoying, the brainwashing others have endured. it feels good to consider oneself free and to have a target
it has struck me — and perhaps not only me — how intense things are becoming this year. The race in the US between the
So aside from the young people running around China in support of their country and the Pennsylvania race goin down to the wire, i feel
Its hard work being a thinker in China. I spoke with a young Chinese friend of mine the other day about the indoctrination of students
not just cuz my insides are covered in hot pot goo, but because twice now i managed to slip through the cracks in the chinese
After spending some quality time with large numbers of the youth of this nation last weekend, I have a few thoughts i must convey: if
Oh shit! Wassup Laowai! Where you from? For real? Where you teach at? You aint a teacher? Where you study at? Oh so you a
glimpses of my other worldmemories become feelingsi am caught in mid-thoughtbreathless as they whisperthe feeling is strongestwhen they’ve already floated away like grinning urchins tugging
you know there used to be a prostitute that hung out by the Fu Nan River that flows through the city of Chengdu. She was
is that unless China falls apart, freedom will be a dream fulfilled only far from home. we Westerners should consider what exactly drives our support
The western media feels guilty for spearing the Chinese. At least some of them do. After jumping all over the Tibet story from the Tibetan
I can’t say enough about this man. Love him. Here is a short description of him on the road in Colombia. Peace to Fat Kim!
I wrote a column a ways back about the “real China” and how the world would get a glimpse of it this summer during the
today was a good day. didn’t even have to yell or scream. no violent threats, no mean muggin. I spent the last three days in
Let me give you a lil background on whats been going down. Hotan is in southern Xinjiang, also known as East Turkestan, which is in
Essence Jackers are the people I deal with on the daily. They jack my essence, corrupt it, as they themselves are unsure of what they
Let me know if you can see my entire blog and comment on it, cuz i can’t. I have been saving up my energy for
As told by Markus Tong: “I was guiding a group of people through the Tibetan highlands near Lhasa. we stopped at a village and walked
as of yesterday, China has adopted US-like security measures for all flights. I had to take my shoes off and they took my bottles of
I am just a few short miles from Aba, where the Tibetans burned down a police station last week. Since that incident it has been
i walked back to my house tonight around 2am and i live near the Tibetan district of town. there were police cars on every block
Today was a very hectic day. i got up early and shaved my scruff and pinned back my hair like a girl, cuz its just
i went walking through the orchards yesterday, but the people i guided there were uninterested in fairy-watching or pollen-passing, so i stowed away my plans
Yet another of the three peeps peepin this blog, who refuses to answer me in this blog. Of course, copy and paste is my faithful
well it seems the media blockade is working or I just have not been keeping my ears open. Here a response to my last blog
i should be putting this down for an article for Antiwar.com or somebody else, but events move to fast and I enjoy the freedom of
so yo Obama hit back with a speech that was exactly what I had been thinking and arguing in a few forums and blogs. The
It might be hard for an American to imagine what life would be like under a dictatorship of the proletariat. What happens, among many other
yesterday i got a message from a young girl — 21 yrs old — and a reporter for the Chengdu Economic Daily. In our society,
The day after the deadline and people here in China are talking about the protests, both my Laowai homies and my Chinese homies. It is
Yesterday I talked with my editor Katherine about Tibet and she asked what was going on. I said well, if people in Kham and Amdo
Today i spent the whole day with my man Liu Yuan running from one massive development project to another, extolling the virtues of Chengdu’s real
there are two songs which i feel may have traumatized me for life: a lil jingle sung by good ole Goofy in the one about
i think i represent the peter pan element in all generations. there are many of us. and we are generally smiled upon from on high
my hair is getting long again. it is my last hurrah before baldness forces me to shave what’s left in order to be “bald, but
I went to the restaurant Talk the other night, on recommendation from resident Baller Dave B. I borrowed some clothes from hakim because mine were
well well well in the Du got my house almost clear of cat shit. garbage is piling up but i have a plan. the toilet
I have been wrestling with being called a racist by people who read my occasional column on antiwar.com — i admit that i do have
This one is for my man Flesh if he ever reads this. I have been in China for eight years. Eight, written as we write
It is now the second day of Chinese New Year here in Dali and the fireworks have subsided somewhat. On the sixth, we gathered at
You can feel it when it comesVoices cry out in defiant anticipationThey rub their hands gleefullyThe party is about to startPlaces everyone One said it
yo i am in Lijiang, which i knew sucked hard balls but now after five years i returned to check it out and lord almighty
Beacuse he dreams and emotesBecause I can imagine playin ball with him Because he is one of Us who is Us? I consider Us to
it always hard for me to escape the monkey in this town. cuz i don’t try hard. the other night we were dancin to irish
maybe its just because i stood next to him once at paisley park .. maybe its cuz i rocked it so many times at his
We are having our customary American Coffees at Salvador’s this morning. Sal’s is one of the finer cafes i have ever experienced in China. The
“The devil came down to Clifden, lookin for a soul to steal, he was getting kinda low and don’t ya know he was willing to
well … here they are. pretty white boxes for you to click on. i guess they will take you to the pics on my worthless
Friends and enemies alike, i wait with bated breath for the outcome of my latest missive. A plea have i tossed, into the ring, for
well i have tried to put pics up here for days now. i went through picasa and checked out what the deal is — heard
i have been trying to put a few pictures of my trip into the mountains online but they always end up sideways. i will be
don’ worry i will add pics in a bit. i arrived from amsterdam sunday afternoon and went to my man tenzin’s house and eased back
last night i spent most of my time dreaming i was a stand up comedian. the audience was overwhelmingly black and i was in georgia.
reading foucalt’s pendulum has been a three month odyssey through umberto eco’s dream library. i finally fell into the pace of the book, now, near
yeah i be trippin. but here with my bro in adam its all good. we toured the city and its beautiful, even the ancient hos
In four hours, my plane leaves for Amsterdam. actually six hours, but i have an hour long train ride ahead of me. i just got
Every morning i enjoy myself ritually with the bread slicer. I love the buzz and smell of good bread being prepared for my rumblin gullet.
Sascha Matuszak© Copyright 2021. All Rights Reserved.